Over time teeth accumulate stains from various foods and beverages. As each individual ages, your teeth naturally get darker over time as the inner layer of your teeth called dentin becomes thicker. Many people ask us about whitening solutions to maintain the whiter look of their teeth despite stains and age related darkening. Many toothpastes and other products can achieve a whiter smile, but for some individuals this is not enough to get the desired results. At Fairlawn Family Dental we offer take home prescription strength whitening solution. Using casts made from impressions taken of your teeth, custom whitening trays are fabricated to fit around your teeth. Whitening solution is then dispensed into these trays for a period of time. This method of whitening is not appropriate for all cases and the patient must have no active cavities. Call the office today to schedule a consult appointment to see if we can brighten your smile with our whitening options!